Mark your Calendars! The SHScutsIT Cut-a-Thon is Wednesday April 17th outside the Sonora High Library.

Donating Money

$ 0
Cost of a Hair
Replacement system

Wigs for Kids never charges the families in need. Donated funds help cover the expense of creating the Hair Replacement System, as well as help pay for products, services, and support. For that reason financial support is just as important as hair donations. You can support the mission though SHScutsIT through the following methods:

Give securely online though Donor Drive. 

Donate with Cash or Check

Cash and donations may be made at the event or at various collection sites on campus. Donations will be collected regularly and a single donation check will be sent with the hair donations.

Checks should be made out to Sonora High School with SHScutsIT on the memo line.

Checks may also be mailed to:

C/O Sonora High School
430 N. Washington Street
Sonora, CA 95370